These days, there are so many yoga teachers and types of yoga, that it can be a real puzzle to find what is really right for you. Let me guide you through 6 essential steps to find that special practice.

Who knows a person or is that person who has once been in a yoga class and dislike it so much that she/he abandoned all attempt to go deeper in the practice? Maybe the teacher was weird, maybe it hurt and no one said anything, maybe it was boring? Maybe it was just not the right fit for Y O U.
Yoga is for everyone. It has so many health benefits on mental, physical and spiritual levels that apply to everyone. One of the main reason yoga is for every single human being, is that it is adaptable to any condition, any desired level of physical activity and any degree of spirituality involved. Moreover, there is about as many yoga styles as there are teachers, which means that there is a very large number of options offered and so, that there is, without doubt, an option exactly, precisely, truly aligned for your beautiful magical self.
Although, among that ocean of possibilities, I understand that it can be very easy to get lost and give up on finding the right yoga for you. This is why I present to you my easy step by step guide to find your yoga.
Step 1 : Ask yourself why you wish to practice yoga
Is it to relax, to become more zen, to improve your flexibility, correct your posture, ease a pain, being able to do a handstand? Take a moment to do a little introspection and write down your WHY. Being precise answering this question will help you to narrow down your options to the types of yoga that are more suitable for your preferences. #Yin, #Vinasa, power, #Ashtanga, #Bikram, #restorative are only 5 of the many types of classes offered.
Step 2 : List your special needs
Injuries, medical condition, physical limitations, pregnancy or any other thing that would influence your practice should be taken in consideration. Different studio, school, teacher might be specialized in different types of yoga that will take care of your unique background.
Step 3 : Identify the setting in which you would like to do yoga
Nowadays yoga is available in pretty much any format you could imagine : online subscriptions, Youtube, studio, private, group, outdoors, etc. Take in consideration what would be ideal for you in terms of setting and in terms of commute.
Step 4 : Research and narrow your options down
Now that you answered the previous questions in the hopes of narrowing down your options, do a little research using all the resources at your disposition : internet, friends, local activity center, etc. Make a list of the ones that can check all the boxes on your wish list.
Step 5 : Analyse your options
Analyse the website or even the physical location of each option you listed and feel the vibe. Do the words written speak to you? Does the graphic design catches your eyes and make you feel good? Is the person on the phone sounding helpful and welcoming?
Step 6 : Try, try, and try again
Last but not least, TRY! Take a leap. Jump into it. Almost all studios have either a new student deal or free trial ; take advantage of that. I believe some online classes do too. There is no better way to find out if a specific location, teacher or type of yoga feels right for you than testing it. The worst that could happen is that you won’t like it. But it’s ok, there’s plenty of options to turn to.
Now, I wanna know, where are you in the process of finding your perfect yoga match? Do you have other tips to share?
Andy L.